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weekly blogs ( updated every Week )          *leave me comments in the "chat with us blue box*

week 12

this week I have been winding down with everything because I know its the last week to get everything updated but I still received a few clothes to close up with.

I have counted everything twice and made sure everything was in a bag that needed to be. I obviously cant take 11 full trash bag of clothes to school showing the process but I do have pictures of everything. I do think I can bring a dog bed that I made and explain how exactly I did it. each dog bed took me around 30 to 45 minutes to complete.

I'm very glad I exceeded my goal and my father told me that a thing came up at his work where for all of 2018 they are collecting clothes and taking it to some event. I look forward to that. I think I may update the information on that when it starts because blogging is kind of fun after all it just can be hard to keep up with.

Week 11

this week I have had no one donate any clothes which is sorta a relief for me so I can catch up with all school work and homework that I need to.

I decided to condense all the clothes into trash bags to make it easier for me to transfer them. it didn't take me long, it only took me about 15 to 20 minutes to bag everything up. and as you can see it was the morning when I just woke up my father was trying to motivate me to get it done.

I'm still very glad I could reach my goal even though I didn't think I would. I am excited to actually bring the items to where they are supposed to be taken because I know they will appreciate it so much.

Week 10

This week I counted the three bags full of clothes and also received another 2 bags full of clothes from a neighbor. I'm glad to say I reached my goal!! 

I don't need to collect anymore clothes but I'm still accepting clothes just to collect so glad I could reach my goal. At times I was super worried I wasn't going to get all of what I was supposed to.

I'm not going to ask people for more clothes. I will just chill out now with the project, but will still continue to blog each week to keep y'all informed. I had so much fun with this. challenging myself was something I wasn't comfortable doing and I proved to myself that it was possible to complete.

Week 9

This week I've had so much stuff to do. I received the three bags of clothes from my aunt, but the bad thing is that I haven't had time to count them out. I will try to count the clothes this weekend. just at looking at the amount of clothes I received I am super close to reaching my goal

I'm not to worried on not reaching my goal for this project. I still have about 3 to 4 more weeks to reach the goal I'm looking for.

I shouldn't need to ask for many more clothes meanings I already only need about 171 more pieces. I will keep people informed on how many I do need just so that people can just give me little amounts of clothes at a time

Week 8

well my aunt is coming into town today and I'm super excited to spend time with them. I think she said she has 3 bags of clothes to give me so I'm happy to be getting the numbers back into the data.

My process is going to be all zeros for this week and I will update all the clothes I get from my aunt for week 9

I need to continue updating people and asking for clothes. I will not make anymore dog beds because I have already made the amount needed for this project and I don't have time to make anymore


Week 7

week 7 is half way done, my aunt and her kids are coming up to visit from Florida next week and she has a couple bags of clothes to give me. I tried going through some more of my clothes but they were al the clothes I like and wear so I didn't want to get rid of them.

my process again has been pretty bad, not many more people need to give me clothes but it is what it is. I'm excited to get this project done and over with. it seems like its been going on forever but it is just killing and weighing me down. I have so many other things to do.


I will continue updating my website and process on all social medias so that others know how the process is.

Week 6

week 6 is pretty much done! I have had so much stuff to study for my midterms. I just received a bag of clothes for my project and went through some of the clothes I don't wear and or don't fit me anymore. I'm still waiting to get the other 3 bags of clothes from my aunt.

my process this week looks pretty weak. I've collected 13 shirts and 2 shorts. I'm still waiting to get my phone back, I got it taken for having an attitude which is always great but its whatever.

I need to continue updating and posting how many clothes and what all I need to do so people are aware so they could possibly help with the process. I'm thinking about posting a picture of me donating all of the clothes and dog beds when its time on this website. 

Week 5

5 weeks flew by so fast. I've had so much to do such as homework, studying, chores, and projects. I'm feeling confident in myself about this project though. I'm not really doubting that ill reach my goal. I'm not real worried about my progress this week because my aunt has 3 bags of clothes for me and also I have one of my moms friends saying she has a bag for me so all of the clothes I will be receiving soon shall make up for the progress I've lost this week.

my process this week ='s 0 .I've received zero donations which quite frankly sucks but there isn't anything I can do about it... I'm not going to bust into somebodies house and say gimme all ya clothes, that's just weird and definitely wrong.

I don't think I will make any more dog beds unless I'm absolutely bored or have nothing to do just because I have so much going on and I've already met my goal for making them. I've already posted an update on Facebook and all social medias so that everyone knows how the process is going and how many more I need.

Week 4

Well 4 weeks just rolled around and I have only received approximately 10 pieces of clothing. This week has gone by so slow and I'm starting to think I'm not going to get everything I need in time. I need to start updating my process more on social media.

My process isn't constant with collecting clothes. I didn't think I would be this far behind on the process, but guess what, I am. I still think that if I don't collect the amount I need I can say that I would still be proud with the amount I've collected so far.


I still have confidence that I will reach my goal. I have to make sure I'm getting what I need. I have made about 10 dog beds which is great with how much longer I have to do the project. I've collected 263 pieces of clothes.

Week 3

just became three weeks since I've been working on this project. its going by fast! I have to make sure I'm on top of all my data and blogs in order to make this project work. I have collected 60 pieces of clothing this week making my overall total of clothes a whopping 253 pieces of clothes.

My process isn't constant with collecting clothes. If you were to graph my process it would look very unsteady and all over the place. I need to be careful with how I'm collecting clothes. This project can mess up if I'm not careful with getting the amount of clothes I need.

I'm feeling better about how far I've got with this project and I still have time to collect which is great. I have received the clothing I needed from some people. I need to make sure that I'm getting what I need. I have made approximately 8 dog beds.

Week 2

My second week of this intense project has gone by so fast. I have collected about 25 pieces of clothing this week alone. I need to pick up the process because if this continues up I wont meet my goal. I should've aimed for a better goal, such as a total of 300 pieces of clothing but I wanted to aim for something higher. I have made around 8 dog beds in these two weeks of my projects process.

my process has slowed down dramatically and I need to pick up the pace. I plan on asking more people for clothes. I have at least 3 people conjuring up clothes for me and I should follow up on how its going so that I can pick them up.

I'm still pretty excited for this process even though its not going as planned. if I don't meet my goal I will be upset with myself but I will feel a little bit better about myself knowing I helped some people out.


Week 1

first week has gone by and I have collected about 20 pieces of clothing. I was pretty upset knowing my data and my blog was not going to be good this week. I am still trying to collect clothing and I need to ask more people around me to donate so I can reach my goal.

my progress isn't really messed up considering my first weeks data. I had enough for two weeks worth. now I need to jump back on the project and cut no slack to make sure I eventually have enough clothing. I have made a total of 6 dog beds which is pretty good considering I only need to make 20 more in an 8 weeks time.


I am still very excited to make this project work. I want to make sure the clothes go to a great purpose and the dog beds go to the dogs in need of a bed or who are just really scared.




This week was pretty good, I got a head start on my project. I announced that I had a project and many people said they had clothes to give me. I am trying to collect approximately 84 pieces of clothing per week. Many people have private messaged me from Facebook. I'm having people share the word of this project so that I can collect as many pieces of clothing I need to.

my progress this week has been pretty good. I have collected enough for two weeks amount of clothing, which is perfect. I should stay on top of this process so that I wont be behind or run behind. many people have donated random pieces of fabric which I can use for stuffing in the dog beds I will be making.

I am excited to continue this process and if I get enough people to donate I will reach my goal sooner. I plan to reach my goal in 9 weeks instead of 12 just so that I can make sure all of my data is correct when I add everything up. once I add everything up it will be ready to be donated. I cant wait to be able to help out with the animals and people who need a little help in life.

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